Monday, June 11, 2012

Configure infoblox updating Microsoft DNS Server

After trying and reading manual, this is the summary

Create a AD account on your AD

ktpass -princ infoblox@AD.LOCAL -mapuser infoblox@AD.LOCAL -pass Inf0b1ox -out ibkey.ktb -ptype krb5_nt_principal -crypto AES256-SHA1

import your keytab file into infoblox

Config DDNS on Infoblox

— Zone Name: Enter the name of the zone that receives the updates. You can specify both forward-mapping
and reverse-mapping zones.
— DNS Server Address: Enter the IP address of the primary name server for that zone.
— Security: Select GSS-TSIG.
— AD Domain: Select the AD domain associated with the keytab file.
— DNS Principal: The name and domain of the DNS server receiving the DDNS updates. Note that this is
not the same as the Kerberos principal you specified when you generated the keytab file.
Use the following format when you complete this field: DNS/dns_server_fqdn@ad_domain
dns_server_fqdn: This is the FQDN of the DNS server. You can use the “dig” command to perform a DNS
lookup to obtain the FQDN of the DNS server as it appears on the SOA record.
ad_domain: This is the AD domain of the DNS server.
— Click Test GSS-TSIG to list the grid members that are allowed to send GSS-TSIG updates to the DNS

Useful link about VMFS 5