Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Step of Upgrading Zabbix from 1.8 to 2.0

  1. Download latest source from
  2. Installation Manual for 2.0
  3. service zabbix-server stop
  4. service zabbix-agentd stop
  5. tar xvf zabbix-2.0.3.tar.gz
  6. cd zabbix-2.0.3
  7. ./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2 --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc/zabbix
  8. make install
  9. cd upgrades/dbpatches/2.0/mysql
  10. ./upgrade <your database name>
  11. cp /usr/local/sbin/zabbix* /sbin
  12. cd frontends
  13. cp php /var/www/html/ -R
  14. cd /var/www/html
  15. mv zabbix zabbix185
  16. mv php zabbix
  17. chown apache.apache zabbix -R
  18. service zabbix-server start
  19. service zabbix-agentd start
  20. http://<servername>/zabbix to run the setup and finish